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Cyn Rombeek

Multimedia Glass Artist

Get in touch with the artist

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” -Albert Einstein

I have always been drawn to the qualities of glass which provide an opportunity to construct and deconstruct materials, to harness a variety of components and transform the bits and pieces into an integrated whole. There are limitless possibilities to explore color, technique, and texture – to incorporate precision or chance – to amplify or soften each piece on any given day. Working with materials that can be jagged and sharp or glowing hot certainly adds an adrenaline component to a creative process which can also be calming, frustrating, illuminating, and unpredictable. I find it all a delight!

My first experience was creating stained glass 40 years ago under the tutelage of Guemes’ own Jack Smith. As my high school art teacher, Jack was so encouraging and joyful that his love of art was infectious. Our family has had a place on Guemes since 1968 and it was serendipitous to reconnect with Jack, knowing that he too had found this magical island.

Over the years I have taught art classes with a variety of students. Some of the most rewarding challenges were found volunteering as an art docent in the juvenile detention system for 8 years working with very restricted tools and materials. This required thinking outside of the box and seeing things in an entirely different way, which of course, is always the goal.

All Artwork ©Cyn Rombeek

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